Central Pattana’s Stock Information

On what stock exchange is Central Pattana traded and what is the stock symbol?

Central Pattana’s stock is traded on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) since March 1995 and the symbol is "CPN".
There are 4,488,000,000 shares outstanding. For more information regarding Central Pattana’s shares, please visit https://www.centralpattana.co.th/en/investor-relations/stock-information/stock-quote
Central Pattana’s major shareholder is Central Holding Co., Ltd., with shareholding proportion of 26%. There is no transaction made with such major shareholder.
The policy of Central Pattana is to pay dividends not less than approximately 40% of its operating net profit from consolidated financial statement, except when there is a compelling reason not to. The dividend payment will not exceed the retained earnings in separate financial statement. For more information regarding Dividend Information, please visit https://www.centralpattana.co.th/en/investor-relations/shareholder-information/dividend-policy

The Company has 4 business categories under management: 1) Shopping Center and office for rent; 2) Food center services; 3) Hotel; and 4) Residential for sale which includes the properties transferred to CPN Retail Growth Leasehold REIT (“CPNREIT”) and CPN Commercial Growth Leasehold Property Fund (“CPNCG”) as well as properties of Grand Canal Land PCL (“GLAND”), which is company’s subsidiaries and all properties under Siam Future Development (“SF”).

In 3Q24, the Company has 42 shopping malls (17 in the Bangkok Metropolitan area, 23 upcountry, 1 overseas, and Mega Bangna shopping mall), 15 community malls with a total NLA of 2.3 mn sqm., 10 office buildings, 10 hotels which total of 1,681 rooms, and 39 residential projects to date with currently 26 projects available for sale and transfer, comprising 13 high-rise projects that are mainly adjacent to the shopping centers and 13 low-rise projects.