Customer Centricity

Central Pattana use research findings and tendency analyses regarding customers’ changing behavior to rearrange the proportions of elements and stores in new shopping complexes. This aims to generate the beyond-expectation experiences by means of “add and drop” components in zoning areas to catch up with new customers’ demand and changing consumption patterns. The company’s modification and addition of new zones as one of the plans to create new innovations for shopping complexes.

Head of Business Development and Project Construction and Head of Operations

Responsible for customer insights prior to shopping mall construction and renovation. The research units from both business groups are directly in charge of conducting research and forwarding information to relevant business groups, i.e. Business Development, Leasing, and Marketing and Asset Management, for the analysis and development of shopping malls, services, and marketing strategies.

Developing shopping centers based on customer-centric approach that responds to all lifestyle

1. Family Destination

This concept is based on contemporary design that combines atmosphere and services to accommodate new-generation families in strengthening relationship among themselves. It is a place where people of all age groups can enjoy their time under preferred lifestyles. Recreation zones and special corners for children to elderlies are provided with care and attention to convenience, safety, and occupational health

2. Food Destination

An area where a great variety of food stores are set up for consumers with different lifestyles to enjoy sit-down meals or buy takeaways, or both, such as Food Ville, Food Patio, foodwOrld, Food Village, and Tales of Thailand. To accommodate the daily change in consumers’ lifestyles, varied tenants have been gathered to open up diners or restaurants, open-plan restaurants, cafe, food shops or restaurants for evening hangouts, take-away food corners, and food stalls.

3. Fashion Destination

This showcases fashion for all lifestyles by tenants, whom are online entrepreneurs that want to showcase their business offline by open shops in shopping malls and those who started their business by opening shops in our shopping malls and expand their business model online. Semi-permanent or pop-up-stores are introduced for tenants to try marketing their products on locations of their choice before deciding to launch a permanent shop. Events are constantly held to attract more customers with inspirational activities and display of new trends. A Fashion-plus zone is set up to enhance small retailers in conducting the retail business in shopping malls and encourage them to always display trendy fashion that meets customers’ desire.

4. Lifestyle Destination

A destination that enables people with common interests and similar lifestyles to spend time, share ideas and experiences, expand their creative minds, pursue inspiration, and enlighten their day-to-day lives, for instance people who have passion in art, handicrafts and DIY crafts. An open space is allocated for workshops and small shops that focus on teaching craftwork to motivate interested consumers to join leisurely activities together. A Co-working Destination has also been set up for new-generation entrepreneurs and groups of freelancers needing temporary office space for working or meeting with customers.

5. Sport Destination

A place for health-conscious and exercise lovers including customers from the sport line of fashion, and lifestyles group of customers with passion for exercise equipment, sporty and stylish fashion or full-function sportswear (sport chic), and to create a link among people who are keen on similar sports (sporty connectors). Also, a place for holding marketing events and inspirational activities for people who are keen on exercising and sports.

6. Tourist Destination

The concept of allocating an area for major tenants with the potential of drawing groups of tourists to experience our new services on top of shopping. This has led to similar development in major towns with an emphasis on attracting tourists, in collaboration with business partners, new destinations have been developed and become a must-visit sight for worldwide tourists because of its uniqueness.

7. Center of Community

The development of areas to organize activities for the community in economic, social, and lifestyle aspects include:

• Support of the local economy by providing more sales channels for local entrepreneurs to distribute their products, for instance, the Market Market, Souvenir market, Jingjai Farmers’ market -organic market. The aim is to provide farmers with opportunities to sell their community products.

• Facilitate locals in their transactions with the public sector by collaborating with the Public Sector Development Commission in opening up Government Service Point (G-Point) such as issuing of ID cards, occupation practice registration, tax payment in various forms – property, signboard and land taxes – business registration,including disabled persons and the elderly registration.

• Allocate and develop areas for public interaction among people with similar interests to share and exchange ideas and experiences.