Air Quality Management

Central Pattana keeps the air quality in the shopping centers up to standard to minimize impacts on customers’ health. It implements measures to gauge the quality of air and acute toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, in semi-closed parking spaces. Moreover, it installed a Fresh Air system and carbon dioxide detectors across different locations in the shopping centers to automatically refill clean air. The Company will shut the system down if outdoor air quality does not meet the standard.


• Control air quality to not exceed standards in every project, including: PM 2.5 < 0.05 mg/m³ PM 10 < 0.12 mg/m³ PM 100 < 0.33 mg/m³

• Install EV Charger Stations to help reduce pollution to zero by 2050. *Measures to Reduce PM2.5 Outdoor Air Quality

• The value of indoor air gases must not beyond the value stipulated by law

Management Approach

Measures to Reduce PM2.5 Outdoor Air Quality

  1. Enhance operational efficiency and decrease energy / electricity consumption within the shopping center by installing, inspecting, and upgrading equipment.
  2. Transition towards sustainable energy practices by installing solar power generation systems on shopping centers nationwide, focusing on Solar Rooftop installations to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  3. Extend sustainability efforts to parking facilities by installing solar power generation systems on parking lots, known as Solar Carparks.
  4. Investigate and deploy Solar Floating systems for efficient electricity generation from water bodies, contributing to sustainable energy usage.
  5. Foster a culture of energy and environmental consciousness among employees by prioritizing conservation efforts and behavior change through continuous training and development programs.
  6. Promote employee engagement in energy-related communication initiatives such as Energy Day activities and host an annual Dream Team competition, encouraging innovative ideas for sustainable development and creativity in environmental conservation.

Measures to Reduce PM2.5 Indoor Air Quality

  1. Monitor and maintain indoor air quality (IAQ) within standard levels by installing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring equipment. This ensures appropriate air management through adjusting or closing ventilation systems if outdoor air quality exceeds PM2.5 standards.
  2. Install MERV14 air filters capable of filtering PM2.5 dust particles at outdoor air units (OAUs) and large air handling units (AHUs) in areas prone to haze, smoke, and dust.
  3. Study and experiment with new technologies that can reduce PM2.5 levels, such as HVAC Air Scrubbers. These systems treat air by venting it alongside sucking up pollutants, effectively reducing PM2.5 levels. Conduct trials of these technologies in projects to assess their effectiveness.
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